

CUSTOMER REFERENCES We build our business on good relationships and having the customer care in the forefront

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We are committed to long-term cooperation

NoriDane Foods uses Enova Insurance Brokers in the more than 100 countries in which we operate. It is typically product liability, contents and transport insurance that we have through Thomas and Enova Insurance Brokers. NordiDane is a trading company where we trade from supplier to customer and help with everything from information, product knowledge, transport and financing and service. Our customers are wholesalers or the processing industry and our main range is meat, fish and eggs.

We have been using Thomas Olsen and Enova Insurance Brokers for almost five years, and it started with transport insurance, where we were impressed with how dedicated he is in his field. He is both a good salesman but also a super nerd when it comes to insurance and he is completely within his area when it comes to finding the best insurance for us, which operates all over the world from North and South America to the Middle East and Asia ”.

I experience our collaboration as a slow-fast collaboration. It may take a long time for Thomas to research the market to find the best solutions. But when we are then presented with the solutions, then it is so good that it is only a comma or two that needs to be corrected. That way of working, I really like. Everything is in place when we are finally presented with the solution, and we do not waste time with a quick solution, which then takes a long time to get in place.

Today, I am not quite into the details of our insurances, but I know we have the best insurance solutions that suit us. The thoroughness that Thomas possesses also means that we recently transferred our transport and product liability insurance to Enova Insurance Brokers. We are in favor of long-term collaborations where you know and trust each other.

I have actually gone so far as to recommend Thomas and Enova Insurance Brokers to a competitor who is not in the same market as us. But I also have an interest in my competitor getting a good solution so that there is no unrest in the market. And I also see it a bit like helping a colleague with a good bank connection.


Ronnie Melbye

CEO, NoriDane Foods, Danmark


We play each other well by sharing our knowledge

In the LT Group, we have placed all insurance for our five business areas in the hands of Thomas Olsen and Enova Insurance Brokers. We have well over 500 pieces. rolling stock and cars, buildings and staff and when you put it all together so it takes a bit to get an overview of the business. But it has Thomas, who we have been working with for so long that he knows our business inside and out.

For me, it’s important to know that Thomas is the man of the company. He is a broker and finds the best solutions on the market for our business, which has grown a lot in recent years. He knows what is nice-to-have and what is need-to-have for us. And then he can move quickly when required.

When we experienced a few years ago that our then insurance company would raise the premium significantly because we had within a short time had damage to several machines, Thomas acted resolutely. He quickly found another insurance company that ended up securing us a deal that was better than the old one!

The times we have had injuries, and you get that in our industry, where many kilometers are driven, and we are in doubt about how we should approach the matter, then we call Thomas. Then he tells us what to do, and if it’s a little complicated, he speaks our case to the insurance company so we’re treated well and fairly. It gives a huge reassurance to know that we and Enova Insurance Brokers are in the same boat.

Another thing about Thomas is that he is a pleasant person that you want to work with. When I tell him about our business, and explain that there are some machines that are virtually impossible to steal, he makes sure to incorporate that knowledge into our insurance solution so that we are not covered and pay more than necessary. In this way, we play each other well by sharing our knowledge in an open dialogue. And yes, I have of course recommended Enova Insurance Brokers to many other companies!


Lars Pedersen

Medejer, LT Gruppen

